Swathers or windrows are critical for cutting crops and sorting them for drying. Farmers often debate on whether it’s good to swath crops. Use the best available swathing gear to simplify the process if you swath yours. You will find an extensive collection of swathing equipment in our online store, some self-propelled and others you can pull with a tractor.
The process involves harvesting the crops and organising them in rows. Interlaced straws help to keep them together while the remaining stubble provides support above the ground. You can consider swathing or liquid swathing when the crop is uneven in maturity, or the local climate doesn’t allow for sufficient natural drying.
Shedding and lodging may also threaten the crop, which is another reason to consider swathing. A general rule is that you shouldn’t swath crops that you expect to yield less than two tonnes per hectare. High-yielding crops benefit more from the process than low-yielding ones.
We don’t recommend swathing thin or short-stubbled crops that won’t support the swath above the ground. You may find heads on the ground, and any attempts to pick these up will pick up the soil.
The timing of swathing is also crucial. You can start the process when the moisture content is below 35%- generally, when the crop is at the medium dough stage and is still hard but soft enough to dent with your thumbnail. Most farmers recommend swathing early to prevent losses but not immediately after rain.
Furthermore, swathing too early can lead to small, pinched grains. While it’s far easier to swath later, the ripe crop may have a strong enough interlock, leaving it vulnerable to strong winds.
For the cutting process, go across the sowing direction or at a 45-degree angle to allow the swath to sit on the stubble. We don't recommend swathing when spacing is more than 25 centimetres. Once you’ve cut the crop, avoid placing it in the location every year to prevent nutrient concentration.
When cutting, start the swath height around ten to 20 centimetres above the ground, translating to roughly one-third of the crop height. The swather size should match the header capacity. You can use a double-up attachment or have two swathers side by side if the size requires it.
Harvesting the swathed crop should occur within ten days. When collecting the swath, ensure the reel rotation is faster than ground speed but not so fast that it takes the heads off the stems. If you leave it for too long and expose it to rain, you can end up with stained grain sprouts.
Take care to operate the swather at a decent speed. To prevent the crop material from bunching up, the conveyor must be revolving at a sufficient speed. Additionally, remember that you pick up the rows efficiently when the header is in the direction of the swath.
Burando Hill is the number one option for all your swathing gear and assistance. Our team has the knowledge and skills to help you and your operation become increasingly productive with our innovative machinery and parts.