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Handler Bag

These customizable batch mixing tanks do more than just your average granny pot. From batch mixing to seed treating, these products prioritise safety, speed and flexibility to suit your specific needs. 

One of the biggest headaches in agricultural spraying is getting your chemical safely mixed and transported to your sprayer. The Handler range of chemical mixers fills your sprayer fast, safely and effectively. 

Research Report: Mixing & Batching guide case studies: GRDC Report

Some advantages of the Handler range are:

- Superior agitation

- Capable of handling liquid, dry and bulk product

- Knife system maximises mixing speed and minimises product waste

- Dedicated venturi powered bulk suction line

- RotaCraft tank rinse nozzles come standard inside every Handler III and IV. These high capacity tank rinse nozzles prevent cross contamination and quickly rinses out the tank

- BANJO thread-less fittings and a BANJO transfer pump on the larger models

- The Handler 4 features 2 x 2" agitation, which enables safe & fast mixing of bags and containers

HANDLER 4 - 870 Litre

3" BANJO camlock fittings

Knife system

RotaFlush tank rinse nozzle

2 x 2" agitators for superior agitation

Venturi Manifold

3" BANJO pump with 6.5hp Honda engine

Optional Bypass & Micromatic rinser

Optional Hose & Drum Probe and/or Micromatic coupler

Plumbing and setup might vary depending on new developments or preferences. 

HANDLER 3 - 275 Litre

2" or 3" BANJO camlock fittings

Knife system

RotaFlush tank rinse nozzle

1 x 1" agitator

Venturi manifold

BANJO pump with 6.5hp Honda engine

Optional Hose & Drum probe and/or Micromatic coupler

Plumbing and setup might vary depending on new developments or preferences. 

HANDLER 2 - 160 Litre

2" BANJO camlock fittings

Banjo pump

6.5hp Honda engine

1 x 1" agitation

Venturi manifold

HANDLER 1 - 59 Litre

2" camlock fittings

Includes Handler Knife

Capable of piercing, emptying and rinsing 10L/20L containers easily


We are liquid application specialists, having designed and built our own tow-behind boomsprays in the past. These fully customizable batch mixing tanks do more than just your average granny pot. From batch mixing to seed treating, these products prioritise safety, speed and flexibility to suit your specific needs. 

More information can be found on the Handler website

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